All-on-4 & All-on-6

Unlike dentures, All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants are a set of teeth that are permanently placed in your mouth. The All-on-4 uses four implants to support the set of teeth, while the All-on-6 uses six implants. The more implants, the greater the stability. However, to make this decision, each patient’s case must be analyzed by our specialists.

What are All-on-4 and All-on-6?

Once each patient’s case has been analyzed and decided which is the best option in their case, the process of these implants can be divided into three phases:

Phase 1: implants and temporary prosthesis

At first, a temporary prosthesis is made. Surgery is then performed to install the implants. If extractions must be performed, this is done first to prepare the tissue and bone for the implant. Once ready, surgical titanium implants are placed in the bone, replacing the tooth root. In these implants, the temporary prosthesis is fixed for 4 months In this period, the bone structure and titanium will integrate.

For good healing in this phase, you need:

  • Good surgical technique.
  • Good oral hygiene.
  • Control of inflammation if necessary.
  • Careful monitoring of the post-surgical diet.
  • Do not smoke.

Phase 2: Conclusion of the procedure

After successful osseointegration, the patient will meet with the prosthodontist five times to conclude the procedure.
➔ Appointment 1: Taking impressions to see the position of the implants and begin the construction of the hybrid prosthesis.
➔ Appointment 2: Orientation of rims, registration of bites, and tooth color.
➔ Appointment 3: Aesthetic test to define the position, shape, and color of the teeth to later make the titanium bar or zirconia structure.
➔ Appointment 4: Test of titanium bar or zirconium structure and again an aesthetic test.
➔ Appointment 5: Delivery of final hybrid prosthesis adjusted to the implants

Phase 3: Follow-up

To have good periodontal health with implants, the patient is recommended to attend general checkups for the review and maintenance of the prosthesis every six months or annually.
These controls consist of removing the prosthesis, cleaning, polishing, and cleaning the implants. It is recommended to change the screws of the prosthesis after the third cleaning or when indicated by the doctor.




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