Dr. Nadia Espinoza

Dr. Nadia is passionate about dentistry. One of the most important things in his life is to dedicate all his effort and commitment to his profession, giving the best of himself in the office to his patients, so they can fully smile again. Además de su amor por la odontología, esta excelente profesional nicaragüense, es maratonista y lleva a cabo con mucha pasión y determinación ambos ámbitos de su vida. Specialized in Prosthodontics, she performs smile design, veneers, crowns, fixed and removable partial dentures, dental surgery and rehabilitations on one or more dental implants.


  • Professional Master’s Degree in Dentistry with emphasis in Prosthodontics, University of Costa Rica (2011- 2016).
  • Dental Surgeon, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (2005- 2009)

Continuing education

  • Adhesive Oral Rehabilitation Intensive with Roberto Tello (April 21-23, 2022)
  • Intensive Absolute Isolation with Victor Guerrero


  • Spanish
  • English